KAVACA Carbon CS is infused with non-metallic nano-carbon technology. KAVACA Carbon CS window tint blocks up to 99% of cancer-causing UVA and UVB rays, produces crystal clear visibility, and is supported by a LIFETIME WARRANTY. KAVACA Carbon CS filters 70% of infrared heat.
Starting at $140
Cars starting at $300
SUVs starting at $400
Starting at $90
KAVACA Ceramic IR is the ultimate Automotive Window Film. Manufactured with state-of-the-art technology, formulated with nano-ceramic technology with an IR layer for Heat Rejection, Glare Control and UV protection that is metal-free, supporting signal clarity for all types of electronics. KAVACA IR blocks up to 99%+ of cancer-causing UVA and UVB rays and filters 96% of infrared heat.
Starting at $190
Cars starting at $450
SUVs Starting at $580
Starting at $130